Those of you that have spent any amount of time with me know that I'm as passionate about my politics as I am baseball and my family. In fact in my family - the Dellinger side anyway - you can't seperate yourself from your politics. Well unless you seperate yourself from the family. And if you do that - you are automatically deemed a damn Republican and have likely been kidnapped by a cult. At least that's what is told about you at the dinner table.
I've dated my share of Republicans. Kissed a few. Married one. Let me say that all but one of the Republicans mentioned in the previous sentence turned out to be HUGE mistakes.
Anywho. Jo and I have been known to show up at rather unexpected venu's. Especially of late. Jo is one of my true kindred spirits. However, she is as Republican as I am Democrat. And oddly we still love each other's company. We don't shy away from talking politics either. I've convinced her that she has made a political mistake or two, and she has convinced me of the same.
So when she called and said Cokie Roberts is coming to Tulsa. I didn't even let her finish before asking when and assuming we were going. It was the absolute best lecture I think I've attended. By far beat out John Stossel.
Cokie was funny and very insightful. Of course we didn't learn anything new. I came out just as democratic minded as when entering. Jo is more convinced of McCain's ability to win in November.
The thing that did catch me a bit off guard is that I am so with the National Opinion in my opinion of my party. When the floor was opened to questions, one of the questions was her opinion of vice presidential candidates. She gave a long answer that was boring to me about who and why McCain should choose this or that one. Then when she turned to the Dems - she stated very matter-of-fact that we have only had a white male in the White House. We will not have a white male on the head of the ticket and must counter that with "A White Man With A Gun."
While the crowd - 99% Republican, I'm sure - rolled with laughter. Jo slapped me on the leg - laughing her ass off - I thought to myself (at least I still think to myself) Holy F@*# - I am right. I haven't been on the inside of the party in a very long time, and yet, I'm still right (or should I say left). Mayhap I should rethink my career. If only my favorite Dem from OK would jump back into the game.

On another note about the night. Jo and I found ourselves well a bit uhm uncomfortable. You see we were the youngest by about 40 years. It was truly standing room only. That's good. and when Sam arrived and set up the camera to grab a VO of the event - I convinced him to point the camera every direction but ours. It's nice being the assistant to the Boss. =) And these ladies came prepared for a long wait. Knitting and all!
Long days and pleasant nights.
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