I wasn't nervous about the company I would be with, only nervous because the last two outings with Jo had been a bit on the odd side. So, the hopes were that the Calf Fry would break that trend. And it did.
The day was a busy one. We had a very successful phone bank Thursday and continued it on Friday with equal success. It was a lot of work but paid off for the station. I was on the road to Stillwater by 7pm and on my first beer and balls by 8:30ish.
The music was Awesome - of course and the company was even better. I don't remember a lot of Friday. Except the part where some random man in the audience volunteered his shoulders so I could see Cody better. I kindly thanked him and had a bird's eye view of the concert for awhile. You won't see pictures. I made Jo promise to delete them... Hopefully she did.
Saturday was Boland day. Or as I was told, we were only there because of me... Gotta love my friends. They forced themselves to partake in a second day of beer and balls just for me.
By the time No Justice took the stage I had somehow gotten seperated from Jo and Carolyn. But saw a good show of Brady's uhm well, saw a good show! No Justice has two of the best looking boys in the Red Dirt circuit. Then not long before Boland took the stage I found myself surrounded by frat boys. One of whom offered his shoulders after Boland began singing. So, again, I had a bird's eye view of the stage.

We all received a rose from a man that shelled out what we thought had to have been a LOT of money just to give roses to the prettiest girls he could see. (That's our story anyway)
Saturday was also pretty darn cold. Fortunately for me, the Stragglers happened to be selling hoodies. That was good because I was wearing my stragglers tank and was beginning to freeze even before the sun went down.
Anywho, our next big party is Fever. Willie will be there. And this year they have a Texas Country night - Boland, Pat and Kevin will be there. Pretty much that day will have something for all three of us!
Long days and pleasant nights.