You know that one person in your family that moves away at an early age and only visits every few years? The one that everyone thinks practically walks on water because all his/her adult faults aren't seen by the family. This person never misses calling Nannie on her birthday. Or always shows up for Christmas. And if she can't well, she's very busy and extremely upset by not being able to "come home." When this person is scheduled to pay a visit, the floors are shined, linens changed, good china polished. Damn some may even bathe for the occasion!
Well, just that person is Coming Home this weekend. He has been in Belize since the early 1960's. He wasn't able to make it home for Nannie's funeral. He has been dealing with the loss of Nannie, Uncle Fred and Cecil virtually alone. No family other than Aunt Joy there with him. So he and I have been emailing back and forth since October. He began talking about a visit in '08. To my surprise the date became Late February. The more we talked, the more excited we both became. We were also talking to the family members closest to us. So what began as a "wish" to get together has turned into a full blown family reunion - of sorts.

Both Uncle NT and Aunt Joy are coming. So are their sons - Steve and Jeff. You have no idea how exciting this is. I have literally changed the linens and washed the floors!
Patty and I have such fond memories of all their trips home. Steve and Patty would run one way while Jeff and I would go another then be thrilled when we beat them the to final destination.
Steve arrives first. I'll get to spend a few hours with him before the rest of the family make it Tulsa. He now lives in Birmingham, Alabama. OMG one of my favorite places on Earth. I really see road trips in the future. I'm sure it isn't far from Atlanta, or at least I remember it kinda close. Most of you know I really don't care for Turner Stadium. But at least the Braves are a real team and my "boys" play there on occasion. Besides a quarter of the fun of a baseball game is the company you are in!
Anywho, I'll be posting lots of pictures.
Long days and pleasant nights.
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