"It is time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its path," Edwards said in New Orleans. You don't know the depth of sadness I'm feeling. Not just for John and Elizabeth Edwards, but for our Nation.
My introduction to this man was the presidential debate held at OSU, way back in '02 or '03. Nicole and I both fell in love with him. He is so smart. In fact we predicted then that he was too smart to be elected President. We both thought then, as I think even now, he is the ONLY option for that office. I have a very strong feeling he isn't going away. He didn't after the '04 debacle and he won't after today's announcement.
However, Super Tuesday isn't here yet. I haven't paid much attention to the silly bickering between Clinton and Obama so who do I vote for?
Someone at the station suggested I vote for Huckabee. Well, sorry, he's not an option for me for several reasons. Right now the least being that he's a Southern Baptist Preacher. The primary reason I won't vote for him on Feb. 5, 2008 is that he "literally" isn't an option on my ballot.
If, like the voters in New Hamphire, I vote for the first name on the ballot - my vote will go to Hillary. The political pundits still think that's the only way she won NH. Now I suppose the only way she won Florida is because it didn't count. Floridians only vote when it doesn't count.
On the other hand if I vote the way that silly test says, Obama has my vote. I don't trust that gimmick. I'm pretty sure the Liberals have it rigged - Kucinich was my second favorite!
This is such a kerbunkle.
Stand-by as I try to get thru the next week and find a candidate I can honestly stand behind when I cast my vote.
Long days and pleasant nights.
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