Thursday, January 31, 2008
BFF John...
Let me start by saying, "Thank you." You have stood with Elizabeth and me throughout this campaign. Your support has sustained us as we have traveled across this country.
Earlier today, I suspended my campaign for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. I made this announcement from where our journey began just over 12 months ago: New Orleans.
I began my presidential campaign in New Orleans to remind the country that all of us -- as citizens and as a government -- have a moral responsibility to each other, and what we do together matters.
Now, it's time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its path. We do not know who will take the final steps to the White House -- but what we do know is that our Democratic Party will make history. And, along the way, all of you who have been involved in this campaign and this movement for change and this cause, I am asking you to continue speaking out for those who have no voice, just as Elizabeth and I will continue to do. We need you.
Do not turn away from the great struggles before us. Do not give up on the causes that we have fought for. Do not walk away from what's possible, because it's time for all of us -- all of us together -- to make the two Americas one. We need you.
I hope you will take a few moments to listen to the video clip of my speech in New Orleans earlier this afternoon or to read it below. In the meantime, Elizabeth and my family join me in thanking all of you for your support and for working so hard on my behalf. We are truly blessed to have such friends.
Thank you.
John Edwards
January 30, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Not a Eulogy

Over the Weekend
She was the recipient of the soooo many gifts she had no clue where to begin. The party began with pizza and wine. Well, soda for Sinclaire and cousins. Emme had her very first slice of pizza that night. She gummed the heck out of it. The grown-ups did an absolutely awesome job of eating annoyingly slow so that Sinclaire was forced to just look at that gifts and cake in a longing fashion. She wasn't even allowed to open the candy that was attached to the present Aunt Tammie brought. It was sooooo horrible.

I did want to take a moment to show you the cake. It was Sinclaire's design. You see it is a coiled rattlesnake. This is going to get her closer to her dream husband, Harry Potter. In addition to the rattlesnake cake, she received a "Spell Making Kit" so she can learn the appropriate potions to lure Harry into her trap. Of course the best gift of all was from Aunt Tammie. The Chia Pet!! Just what every girl needs. We won't tell her that Aunt Tammie managed to kill her Chia pig in one day. Who knew it would freeze to death if left in 30 degree temperature for several hours? Anywho, happy 5th Sinclaire. We'll do it all over for Emme's first next week.
In other weekend news: I had the privilege of puppy sitting Izzy. Sorry, didn't get pics. We had a great time walking all over midtown. I even found several new lofts that would be perfect for Nicole and Ryan to live in.
Millie and Toby watched several hours of the Dog Whisperer and I'm happy to report, Millie is doing well with the whole, Mommie is the Leader of the Pack idea. Well that is until last night. To calm her I tried the holding her down by the back of the neck. This is supposedly to make her submissive to me because that is how a dominant dog would hold her down. She evidently has forgotten that. She thought it meant, oh Mommie wants to wrestle. Toby was relieved because that meant she was leaving him alone. I guess we still have some work to do.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights!
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Little Helper

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cody Fix?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Winter Project

Don Woods?
What would it be like to be the daughter of Don Woods? That would be pretty cool. I mean a house full of Gusty's. Hayden's hole Weatherman Worshipping would make sense.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sooner from Birth

In other news. I stepped on the scales 3 times this morning in disbelief. According to my official Weight Watchers scales - I lost 6.5 pounds last week! How, you ask. Well I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with the one day I walked to work. It might be the gallon of water I drank every day that helped. Or, mayhap the biscuits and gravy at Ollie's yesterday morning. Whatever it was, I'm hoping to duplicate the loss this week. I'm only 20 pounds away from my desired Calf Fry weight!
Daddy told Aunt Ruby that I'm no longer allowed to buy clothes for him. Seems that even though I had the most handsome date at the ball - he thinks I spent way too much money on him. Well I say poo to that.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
You Go Daddy

Awful Handsome
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Parents & Children
Patty and Jimmy are in OKC this week. Patty called and offered to buy Nicole lunch. Turns out, Nicole decided to give Patty a tour of OU and buy her lunch. Patty had the pleasure of eating at the Cate Center Cafeteria! I've eaten there and also at the small coffee shop inside the Library on campus. Must say that the library was a bit better. I'm pretty sure the best part of Patty visiting OU is the gallon of pickled okra that she delivered. I'm also pretty sure that Ryan won't be seeing that gift.
Long days and pleasant nights
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008
Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month is chosen by the department heads once a month.
Frank was chosen for his awesome prediction and coverage of the December 2007 Ice Storm. He had to abandon me Dec. 6 to watch the weather stuff and accurately guage the situation. I was left alone to deal with Sports. He promised me the Storm of the Century was on its way and he had no choice. Who knew he would be correct? Then he worked 12 to 14 hour days throughout the storm and the aftermath. We only had 50% of our Weather team at the station due to vacation and illness. Frank took up the slack, had the storm chasers on-duty and delivered the best storm coverage in Eastern Oklahoma.
Then last Monday night (Jan 7) in the midst of a gallbladder attack, he stayed on-air 5 hours without a break. He made sure everyone in the viewing area was kept updated with all the tornado warnings and severe storms popping up.
Frank, you are the BEST!
Name that Pig - Contest

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Woo Hoo Nicole!
She was officially accepted into the College of Education, today. I feel the need to share her future plans. She explained this to our friend Pat during the reception for Emily:
Nicole's Road to the White House
Double degree in History and Education
Masters in Education Administration (or something like that)
Teach for awhile
Move into Administration
Become a Superintendent
Run for President (win the election)
Her reasoning is that if you can teach our future generation and run a school system, running the country is a piece of cake. And, she's ok with the prospect of Hillary beating her to the "first female president" title.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye
What's Wrong with a Woman?
Sorry folks, but I have to give my opinion to those "Political Pollsters" that are scrambling to "explain" why Hillary won the New Hampshire primary. People can read. They didn't vote for Hillary simply because her name came before Obama's. Please, give us a little more credit than that.
Would they be scrambling if they had predicted Hillary to win and she didn't? I don't think so. Those of you that know me, know I really want Edwards. I'm thinking that's not going to happen. But, I'm no longer sad that Hillary is doing well. I've watched her on talk shows and other things. We know this woman. We first saw her in the early '90's and honestly, I've loved her since the whole "I don't bake cookies" contraversy.
She is tough and compassionate at the same time. She is everything that we want from a man, only she is a WOMAN.
It also angers me that these self-professed political journalists have been saying that people don't like Hillary because she doesn't show emotion, then when she does get caught on camera in a weak moment, go all over her because she showed weakness. Well, she is only HUMAN.
On February 5, if my choices are limited to Obama and Clinton - my vote is definately Clinton.
Christmas Stories - Finally

Congrats Em!