Thursday, September 06, 2007

Did You Miss Me?

Oh my gosh I can't believe I haven't blogged in FOREVER!

Not much to say. But, I should've kept you updated.

My eyes are doing so much better. A small incident yesterday sent me to the eye doctor this morning. I discovered a stye or something like that on one of the sutures. This suture had been trying to come out for a couple of weeks so when I noticed white stuff on it, I called the Dr. This morning he told me it was nothing to worry about. It was only the stitch wanting to stay in while my body wanted it to go. So he took it out, popped the white thing, gave me instructions to put neopsporin on it for a few days and I was on my way.

Patty is also doing well. When I checked on her last night she was complaining that she is bored. This is good news. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, she had a torn muscle in her shoulder that needed repaired. While repairing the tear, the doctor found the real cause or her pain, a bone spur sitting on the torn muscle. He removed that and now she is on her way to recovery. One final note on this...I never signed up to wash my sister's hair or give her a sponge bath. =)

I'm slowly getting into class this semester. It's different when you don't physically go to Claremore every day.

Long days and pleasant nights.

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