Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Did You See Me Winning?

Hayden is officially a Boys and Girls Club member. Yesterday was his first soccer game.
He called me at 5:30 last night to ask if I'm coming to his game. Well, I was at work in Tulsa, the game started at 6pm, so I had to say no. Being 4, he didn't let it drop there. He assured me that 'Calester isn't very far and I could make it. When I disagreed, he said, "Let me talk to Frank." I'm not sure what Frank could do to fix the fact that I was a two hour drive from the soccer game that was starting in half an hour.
Patty and Jimmy (aka Aunt DaDa and Unc Immy) made it to the game. Patty said that he was the most excellent goalie. Even while he was flapping his arms like a bird. Then the coach let him on the field to play. At one point he was kicking the ball and running by them. He looked to the sideline and yelled "Do you see me winning?" I'm sure that everyone on the sideline fell off their chairs laughing at this.
I'm so sad that I missed this game. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to 'Calester.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights.


Moving day is approaching fast. Honestly I coudn't have picked a worse week to do this. Co-workers and I have been spending hours at the new place painting and cleaning. I really don't want to move in with the grime from the 20-something male. I have two 20-something male nephews and trust me, I would disinfect before moving into a place they had recently vacated.

Anywho, House premeires tonight. I have the ol' DVR set to record and will watch it before I go to bed, but I won't be there to view it while it is happening. =( This is also ABC premiere week. I can't wait for Gray's and three new shows. This is highly unusual for me. However, I've been addicted to House and Gray's for 2 seasons now. And I can't not watch the spin-off of Gray's. When she first cam on the scene, I really didn't want to like Addison, now she is one of my favorites.

I've also been so preoccupied that I haven't kept up with the news. To my surprise Kiefer was arrested for DUI. OMG - I'm going to have to rush to LA to stop this totally false accusation.

On the home front. Toby and Millie love their new home. They have a new friend, Dopey. Dopey is a standard dachshund. The three of them love to run up and down the fence barking at nothing really. When Dopey is in his house, Millie sits by the fence patiently asking if he can come out and play. Toby sits quietly and waits.

Moving day is Saturday. The countdown has begun...

Long Days and Pleasant Nights.

Friday, September 21, 2007

OU Comes To T-Town

That's right. Tonight the OU Sooners will be in town to face the Golden Hurricane. While I would like to say this will be an absolutely awesome game, but I really can't.

The Sooners are like light-years ahead of TU in the football realm. My heart is for TU though. Back when I was a young-un, TU was my college of choice. The Theater Dept actively recruited me and although I had an offer of a 4-year full-ride at NSU, I chose TU. That is where I met Jeff and well, the result of that meeting is the creation of the Light of my life.

Ok, back to the game... While OU is expected to give TU a serious Whomping, you must remember the brain power that is required to attend TU vs. the brains of the OU boys. When you consider brain over brawn - well TU wins hands-down.

Ok, OU does have smart people too. Nicole and Ryan for example. However, they are not on the football team. So realistically when you compare the football teams, OU may be meaner, but TU is SMARTER. In the long run the TU boys will cumulatively make more money than the OU boys.

So, in my way of thinking, this all makes TU the winning team.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


This is a word that means different things to different people. To me it is the second Sunday of September. Not just this year, but every year as long as I can remember.
There are certain things you just don't miss: Nannie's birthday, Decoration (you get to pick West Liberty or Palestine), and Homecoming.
Although, I have missed several over the years it is always wonderful when I'm there. I'm not sure who thought up Homecoming, but I am sure it happened long before I was born. This is a day set aside each year where the service is (as Brother Ralph says) AB LIB and anything goes. Everyone currently attending regularly are encouraged to call those family and friends who no longer call Palestine "home" to come "home" for a visit. After Sunday School and more songs than you can imagine, you get a brief sermon and then FOOD! Oh my the food.
This year was especially special. Patty was crippled and Nannie needed help cooking. So she volunteered me. I was more than happy to go along for the memory. She taught me that to cook a ham you need the biggest one in the supermarket and it can't be bought in McAlester. They don't know how to properly cut a ham. You need at least 10 handfuls of brown sugar to properly cure the ham once you have it in the bag. I can also make Nannie's raisin pie and her blackberry cobbler. I promise these items will not be made in my kitchen until after I get on the Honeysuckle Rose in October. =)
I can count on one hand the number of times I've been to Palestine in the past year. That is sad. But we had so much fun. In fact, Patty, Beth and I began planning stuff for next year's Homecoming at the end of this Homecoming. By the way, the tall blonde is Beth Stanfield-Something. I'm pretty sure she and Patty were the same height at some point.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights.
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Friday, September 07, 2007

Guess Who's Moving In!

Millie will be able to herd a horse! Well, first we will have to train the horse not to use Millie as a soccer ball.

Millie loves going to Uncle Jimmy's because he has cats to herd. In fact last weekend she managed to get 6 of the 7 onto one table at one time. The fact that cat food was on the table had no bearing on the achievement.

The point being, Jo is positive that Strait is now spoiled beyond belief. He has been living at the Aunt Kathy Horse Resort since Tex (aka Diablo) was born. Now the time for him to come home is nearing and I'll have a back yard. Jo also knows that Strait will be treated like a true farm animal. No spoiling at Aunt Tammie's house.

Hmm, I might need to get a larger bed. Strait is a bit bigger than Colt and the bed was crowded with Toby, Colt, Emma Lou and me.

Long days and pleasant nights.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Did You Miss Me?

Oh my gosh I can't believe I haven't blogged in FOREVER!

Not much to say. But, I should've kept you updated.

My eyes are doing so much better. A small incident yesterday sent me to the eye doctor this morning. I discovered a stye or something like that on one of the sutures. This suture had been trying to come out for a couple of weeks so when I noticed white stuff on it, I called the Dr. This morning he told me it was nothing to worry about. It was only the stitch wanting to stay in while my body wanted it to go. So he took it out, popped the white thing, gave me instructions to put neopsporin on it for a few days and I was on my way.

Patty is also doing well. When I checked on her last night she was complaining that she is bored. This is good news. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, she had a torn muscle in her shoulder that needed repaired. While repairing the tear, the doctor found the real cause or her pain, a bone spur sitting on the torn muscle. He removed that and now she is on her way to recovery. One final note on this...I never signed up to wash my sister's hair or give her a sponge bath. =)

I'm slowly getting into class this semester. It's different when you don't physically go to Claremore every day.

Long days and pleasant nights.