It just slipped, that they had also released a flavor named for Country Music icon Willie Nelson.

If you know anything at all about Stephen, this meant war. He waged a one Colbert Nation campaign against Willie’s Peach Cobbler. He even released a whole one attack ad against the ice cream and Willie himself.
(You can view the ad at: http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_colbert_report/index.jhtml)
Anyway, Willie came on the show last night for a final face-off. It could’ve gotten a lot uglier had they not called in our UN Ambassador, Richard Holbrook. There was a taste off and well, Willie admitted that SC Americone Dream was in fact “good.” After the show Stephen was invited onto the Honeysuckle Rose. That's not an every day occurance. Why Toby even wrote a song about his experience aboard the Rose. Stephen does say, however, that he did not get a contact high. I wonder...
So, there you have it. Stephen won. Now, go forth and buy Ben and Jerry’s Americone Dream and Peach Cobbler ice creams!
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