Christmas, they say, is for the children. Well, I have come to believe that Christmas is as much for the Grandparents. Watching my parents and Aunt at Christmas is nothing like they were when I was a child. They spoil the grandchildren year-round; don’t get me wrong, but at Christmas it is magnified tenfold.
When I was a child, Christmas was good at home, but OH MY GOD when we got to Nannie and Poppie’s house, oh the presents! That’s the same with my parents. Every year you think that the next year the kids won’t get nearly as much, surely they can’t outdo what they’ve done. You’re wrong. They get more and more and more! In watching the history of Christmas, it was basically created as a way to spoil the children without actually spoiling the children. So, I guess that’s what happens.
Anyway, it was a nice Christmas and I’m happy that I actually enjoyed the holiday this year. Nicole came to Renie’s with me for Christmas Eve festivities. Renie cooked a huge turkey, mom cooked a 20lb ham and we had all the fixins. Honestly, I was looking around for one of the battalions from Iraq to show up, we had so much food!
I went to Ponca City to Aunt Becky’s Christmas day. Again, so much food! Lots of fun both days. I was blessed to be able to spend a lot of time with Nannie. I don’t get home as much as I should, so running her errands and spending the night with her was nice.
Toby is on vacation at Aunt Rene’s. I understand he is basically taking over the house. Millie spent two nights with Aunt Patty and Uncle Jimmy. She had a blast, but let me warn you not to let a dachshund overdose on Vitamin C. It gets a bit messy. Patty has pictures of Millies vacation, I’ll get them on here soon as I get them.
Nicole and Ryan made it to NYC. Her first comment to me was that there were a ton of people, traffic is horrible and everyone is honking. LOL – Welcome to NYC Nicole!
Ok, Millie is already in bed and I’m on my way. One more holiday to go!
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