Ok the time to leave is almost here.
I have washed the dishes. Delivered the dachshunds to camp. Toby was ok with it - Millie was begging me to stay at camp with her. Reminded me of Nicole's first day of school. Oh wait, Nicole told me she was big enough to walk herself to school and I shouldn't bother.
Anyway, there was a moment of despair when I couldn't find the travel toothbrush that I could swear I bought. Don't worry, I had already packed it.
I am a little anxious. I'm assuming I'll have fun, but with all the people that are offering just that to me, what am I missing?
Patty called to tell me I'll have a blast and not to forget to call when I get home. Jo isn't concerned that I'll have fun, just concerned that I'll forget to let her know I made it to Tucson. Tio NT is concerned that Jeff may not know I'm visiting Tucson, but is sure I'll have a blast. Carlton is more convinced than ever that I need counseling and he's added that I really need to find a boy. Calvert is happy to have a whole day at work without me. (when it goes longer than that he remembers how much I do...)
Anyway, the camera is packed and fully charged. I know Tucson has Internet - so mayhap there will be updates before I make it back this way. And I promise to take a couple of pictures of something other than baseball. Good thing you can't see my crossed fingers. =)
Ok, time to shut down the computer, lock the windows and wait for my NewsChannel 8 taxi!
Long days and pleasant nights...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
DBacks vs Nats - Preview
Here is how the game is shaping up:
The DBacks are entering the series, as of today, leading the NL West by 3.5 games. They have been on-fire the whole season. Right from the get-go they have been on the top of their division. Playing solid ball and making good use of the bullpen. Their pitching staff is seasoned and making all opponents pay the price. The closest team to them at this point is Joe Torre's Dodgers.
I'll most likely get to see Brandon Webb pitch. Webb is 9-2 for the season with an ERA of 3.01 and a smokin' 60 strikeouts! Damn... He is no rookie - been in the majors since 2003. One of his two losses happened the last game he pitched. He should be ripe for revenge.
The Nationals are a very new team. We all know how I feel about new teams. Hell, I'm only admitting the DBacks are real because I'll be at their stadium. Anywho, as of today, the Nationals are at the bottom of the NL East Division. Side Note: In my opinion, this is also the weakest of the 3 divisions. The NL Central is the toughest with the Cubs, Redbirds, and Astro's red hot this season. The coolest thing about the Nats - their stadium gives an awesome view of our capital and they play in RFK Stadium. This team has promise, just need to pull it together. They are pitting Jason Bergman against the DBacks. Bergman is 1-1 this season. He does have 34 strikouts in those two appearances, not shabby.

Now, all that is left is to pack those knitting needles!
long days and pleasant nights...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The last year hasn't been the most pleasant year of my life. And honestly I've been forcing myself more than I would like, to find the joy in each day. Carlton has given me a task that I'm sure he has never realized the effect it has had on me.
Each day he asks me "What have you done to make me happy today?" Honestly at first I was baffled and was sure that he hated me. Remember I'm blue and the first thought is always that I'm hated, unless specifically told that I'm not hated. Anywho, now, I go to him with "happy's" as often as he asks me. It really is the small things that count.
The small things that have happened since Nannie became ill are beginning to come together! Since October 2007, death has weighed heavily on my mind. I'm not suicidal, yet not afraid to say goodbye to this plain of existence and move on to the next either. Nothing has made me so excited that it has wholly consumed my mind since we acquired the tickets to Willie and then were actually close enough to touch his boots. I've spent the last few months thinking that God was punishing me for that selfish happiness - it was on our way out of Dallas the very next morning that Nannie refused dialysis and a week later she was with Poppie.
What I didn't realize is that in my contacting NT with Nannie's condition and other things, a series of events were unfolding that would bring me to this week. Other times when my mom asked me to contact NT with critical information, the correspondence was brief. This time, mayhap out of extreme grief, we have kept in touch - emailing almost daily - and have truly made a bond that I treasure more than words can express. In our emails we began talking about how wonderful it would be to have a get-together. This of course led to he and Steve planning an Oklahoma visit. That turned into Joy and Jeff tagging along. Because, you see when NT visits Oklahoma, it's like a Rock Star coming home. The "family" is loved, but NT is a folklore.
This led to the night I walked into the restaurant and announced to my mom that I had heard Tommy Lasorda was coming out of retirement to help Joe Torre manage the Dodgers. Which led to Jeff having to pick his lip up off the floor. I guess he isn't accustomed to totally gorgeous women knowing baseball. Next thing I know, I have an open invitation to visit Tucson and watch baseball. If you're curious as to how exciting that invitation was, call Patty.
I haven't blogged about the trip. A bit afraid that it is only a dream and if I put it in writing, it will be stolen from me. But if you walked into the station and asked anyone around News where I'm going this weekend, you would get the answer. I've tried to be cool about it. After all, it's not like I'll be seeing the Redbirds play live. It's the DBacks and the Nationals. I'll be damned if I can name any of the players. But, it is live Major League Baseball.
I can name all the live MLB games I've seen. Living in Oklahoma all my life, the chance doesn't come around often. Jeff asked me for seating preferences. I jokingly said anything behind home plate. When honestly, anything inside the ballpark would be fine. Tonight I found out where we are sitting. Let me just say, it's going to be awful tough for anyone to knock Jeff off the #1 spot now. The only way this weekend could get any better is if LaRussa and the Redbirds were to materialize in place of the Nationals.
On my Bucket List - See a game at all the MLB stadiums; Visit Cooperstown
Enough baseball chit chat for now. If your phone number is in my contacts list - fair warning - the game is Saturday night - starts at 7:10pm CDT. You may be called.
long days and pleasant nights...ye kennit?
Each day he asks me "What have you done to make me happy today?" Honestly at first I was baffled and was sure that he hated me. Remember I'm blue and the first thought is always that I'm hated, unless specifically told that I'm not hated. Anywho, now, I go to him with "happy's" as often as he asks me. It really is the small things that count.
The small things that have happened since Nannie became ill are beginning to come together! Since October 2007, death has weighed heavily on my mind. I'm not suicidal, yet not afraid to say goodbye to this plain of existence and move on to the next either. Nothing has made me so excited that it has wholly consumed my mind since we acquired the tickets to Willie and then were actually close enough to touch his boots. I've spent the last few months thinking that God was punishing me for that selfish happiness - it was on our way out of Dallas the very next morning that Nannie refused dialysis and a week later she was with Poppie.
What I didn't realize is that in my contacting NT with Nannie's condition and other things, a series of events were unfolding that would bring me to this week. Other times when my mom asked me to contact NT with critical information, the correspondence was brief. This time, mayhap out of extreme grief, we have kept in touch - emailing almost daily - and have truly made a bond that I treasure more than words can express. In our emails we began talking about how wonderful it would be to have a get-together. This of course led to he and Steve planning an Oklahoma visit. That turned into Joy and Jeff tagging along. Because, you see when NT visits Oklahoma, it's like a Rock Star coming home. The "family" is loved, but NT is a folklore.
This led to the night I walked into the restaurant and announced to my mom that I had heard Tommy Lasorda was coming out of retirement to help Joe Torre manage the Dodgers. Which led to Jeff having to pick his lip up off the floor. I guess he isn't accustomed to totally gorgeous women knowing baseball. Next thing I know, I have an open invitation to visit Tucson and watch baseball. If you're curious as to how exciting that invitation was, call Patty.
I haven't blogged about the trip. A bit afraid that it is only a dream and if I put it in writing, it will be stolen from me. But if you walked into the station and asked anyone around News where I'm going this weekend, you would get the answer. I've tried to be cool about it. After all, it's not like I'll be seeing the Redbirds play live. It's the DBacks and the Nationals. I'll be damned if I can name any of the players. But, it is live Major League Baseball.
I can name all the live MLB games I've seen. Living in Oklahoma all my life, the chance doesn't come around often. Jeff asked me for seating preferences. I jokingly said anything behind home plate. When honestly, anything inside the ballpark would be fine. Tonight I found out where we are sitting. Let me just say, it's going to be awful tough for anyone to knock Jeff off the #1 spot now. The only way this weekend could get any better is if LaRussa and the Redbirds were to materialize in place of the Nationals.
On my Bucket List - See a game at all the MLB stadiums; Visit Cooperstown
Enough baseball chit chat for now. If your phone number is in my contacts list - fair warning - the game is Saturday night - starts at 7:10pm CDT. You may be called.
long days and pleasant nights...ye kennit?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day Memories
How did you spend your Memorial Day Weekend?
Sunday was a family day. I even wore a dress. You see, I'm still a bit skiddish about whether or not Nannie has had time to forget to make sure we are properly doing things. So, I wore a dress to the cemetery - placed a flower at her name and poppie's. I'm not sure who is placing flowers on Grandpa's grave other than the immediate Smith family. I sure wish that person would catch on that with the Smith/Lindeman group - we only like yellow flowers. Red are fine for other graves - yellow for ours. You should visit the cemetery in Topeka - I'm not sure any flowers are allowed to be left there if they aren't primarily yellow.
Then off to Patty's for bbq and family.
I had an absolutely fabulous weekend. It started with shopping, cleaning, mowing, getting ready for my Baseball weekend coming soon.
Saturday was a bit busy and very warm. The puppies and I spent the morning mowing and cleaning. We had a fun time. I was finished mowing by 10am and was sweating like a pig. Yes, I know I'm a girl and typically I "glisten" however, Saturday was outright sweating. Then I showered so that I wouldn't scare off others while shopping. And off I went. Those that know me, know that one of the things I inherited from my mother is my disdain for shopping. However, I do need proper attire for my baseball outing. So, with that in mind I spent more time than the norm going thru the clothing aisles. Then I was off to WalMart (after a quick check of the carry-on guidelines) to get the things I will need other than clothing. Oddly enough I won't be able to pack tanning lotion, but knitting needles are no problem. I'm guessing more blue-hairs complained than those sun-worshipers my age. That's ok, I'm sure Tucson is big enough to have a drug store.

Zentner, of course, was the hit of the day. Well, except for the moment that Skylar actually admitted that he loves his Aunt Patty. That was a shocker - but the best line of the day was "this is my Aunt Tammie - she is the COOLEST Aunt EVER!" We still haven't reached the Walking On Water status of Uncle Jimmy, but Patty is loved and I'm cool. That's something. Anywho, Zentner cleaned the floors and helped bake and even got dressed for riding Uncle Jimmy's motorcycle. Then he swang until he literally fell asleep. One side note - Jimmy used Ryan's recipe for the brats - thanks Ryan - that's one awesome concoction.
Today, I awoke to hail hitting the house and thunder rattling the windows. Spent a portion of the morning with my BFFT getting beautiful for the baseball players. Then the rest of the day with my BFFJo and her roomies. Strait even asked me to ride him around the pasture. Fun times.
Only missed one thing I had half planned for the weekend. Sorry JB - I just didn't have time to fit you in. I'm sure you and Cody rocked the lake and I can't wait to see you at Fever.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Leader of the Pack

I tried to refrain from mentioning this here at TammieLand. But, it wouldn't really be a "liberal place" if I didn't.
Ted Kennedy is the only one of the 4 Kennedy brothers that has lived past his 40's. We love them as our own special royal prince's. As you have surely heard, has malignant brain cancer. My mom called me, hysterical. I spent literally hours searching the web reading everything I could find on malignant brain cancers. Not that I wanted to know anything about them, I wanted to know that he could beat this without leaving the Senate.
You may not agree with everything this man has said and/or done, but you have to admit he is a pretty good defender of the common poor folk. He isn't ashamed of his personality flaws. Hell, that's part of what has made him endearing to us.
You may also be thinking that I'm being very selfish in my wanting him to get well just to go back to the Senate. Well, he is one of the best nemesis' that Bush/McCain have. When he speaks my party literally stops and listens, and then bitches, and then generally does what he says. He is not only the patriarch of the Kennedy family, he is the Grand Prince of the Democratic Party. Love him, hate him, you are stuck with him. Take that Fox News!
Anywho, he has his own bead on my rosary now. The one next to Barak Obama...
Senator Kennedy - it is not your time to go to the Clearing at the End of the Path, not yet - your brothers can wait a decade longer to catch up...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hello Summer!
Boy am I happy that Summer has arrived. This year I have my own backyard, again. You don't appreciate that until you have one and then you don't
For example right now, I have an ice cold Diet Coke, and am sitting on a chair in my backyard. I'm updating you on just how wonderful life is, while listening to the Cards v Cubs game thru my open window. I'm telling you, I just don't know how it gets better than this.
Yesterday Daddy, Jimmy, Patty and I trekked to Norman to deliver stuff and see Nicole and Ryan's new home. It is a very nice place. The best thing is - it's big enough for me!
Mom and Dad gave the kids a washer and dryer. I brought the rest of the nig
htstad and bought food. But the big hit of the day was the grill that Jimmy gave Ryan. I know Patty bought it and it was probably her idea, but Uncle Jimmy got the credit.

That's about all I have the energy for right now. I want to just sit back and enjoy the evening.
long days and pleasant nights...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thank Gan Monday is Over...
What a day. Yeppers, I mean "day" - the weekend was a bit scary. Hayden's movie was interrupted by a tornado. Mom chose to watch the tornado go over the house in lieu of taking cover. Dad was driving like a madman to get to Mom. Fortunately, the tornado had its sights set on Haywood instead.
I mean day, because I actually listened to and returned 25+ messages, not including the calls that I answered on the first ring - all before 11:30 am. Then quickly changed into workout clothes and went off to the gym to play with some of the girls at work. They failed to mention that the teacher of the mix muscle class is a very cute and friendly chick who is actually a nazi in disquise. I was wearing my hell pony t-shirt. She kept looking at me, I'm assuming it was because of the hell pony. My friends are conviced it's because she was afraid I would have a stroke right in the middle of class. I'm hurting in places I didn't know could hurt. And that is just from carrying the "toys" used during the hour of torture.
I hurt so much, I'm totalling going back tomorrow - with my checkbook in hand - and signing up! By the end of Summer I should be able to kick just about anyone's ass!
Long days and pleasant nights.
I mean day, because I actually listened to and returned 25+ messages, not including the calls that I answered on the first ring - all before 11:30 am. Then quickly changed into workout clothes and went off to the gym to play with some of the girls at work. They failed to mention that the teacher of the mix muscle class is a very cute and friendly chick who is actually a nazi in disquise. I was wearing my hell pony t-shirt. She kept looking at me, I'm assuming it was because of the hell pony. My friends are conviced it's because she was afraid I would have a stroke right in the middle of class. I'm hurting in places I didn't know could hurt. And that is just from carrying the "toys" used during the hour of torture.
I hurt so much, I'm totalling going back tomorrow - with my checkbook in hand - and signing up! By the end of Summer I should be able to kick just about anyone's ass!
Long days and pleasant nights.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Best #5, Joe - Say it ain't so!

Runner-up: Johnny Bench
Worthy of consideration: Jeff Bagwell, Lou Boudreau, George Brett, Nomar Garciaparra, Hank Greenberg, Albert Pujols and Brooks Robinson
According to Sports Illustrated, Joe DiMaggio is the best player to ever wear the #5. And Johnny Bench is the Runner-up. I would like to know who voted and how many votes were thrown in for each.
He was drafted by the Reds in 1967 and was named Rookie of the Year in 1968. NL MVP 1970, '72, 76. World Series MVP 1976. He can hold 7 baseballs in one hand! I'd like to see Joe do that. Well, before he died.
No other team in the history of baseball has ever matched the Big Red Machine. (Remember in TammieLand all my opinions are correct)

He kept his pitchers focussed and in check. He was also feared with a bat in his hands. Normally pitchers and catchers are "easy" outs. Not Johnny. You never knew where the ball was going. He could slam it out of the ballpark just as well as Joe Morgan and Pete Rose. Johnny, had 389 career home runs and 1376 RBI's - those are still Cincinnati Reds records.
Johnny never used steroids. He never even considered it. He is a true legend. And, someday will be folk-lore.
I'm not going to bore you with all the stats - just saying that he was the greatest catcher of all time. And nothing against Joe - Johnny is always my pick! Joe DiMaggio and Albert Pujols would be my runners-up.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Monday, May 05, 2008
High Maintenance?

He is growing up so fast. The good thing is that he remembers his Aunt Tammie. He also told me that I'm his favorite Aunt. We discovered that there were no toys at Aunt Tammie's so we went to WalMart to remedy that problem. Next time he visits there is a ball and bat, batman car and a cell phone just for him!
The other reason for the trip was that my wonderful mower that my BFFrank sold me had stopped working. Let me give you the history of the relationship between this mower and me. It had an easy life just sitting in Joyce's garage. Used twice then went into retirement. I'm guessing that Frank didn't totally discuss the move with said mower before it happened.
It worked a couple of times, then stopped working. A friend from work stopped by and we were able to get it to work once more. Then one of the wheels fell off. I fixed that and it worked for about 20 minutes then stopped working again.

After work, I changed into my mowing shoes and thought - what the Hell - I'll try one more time. The mower started on the first try. I mowed for about 10 minutes and it stopped working again.
Who knew I could buy a "high-maintenance" mower? Well, other than cuz Steve?
Long days and pleasant nights.
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