Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ice Update...Finally

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Hayden's Recipe for Hot Dogs
Get hot dogs from Wal-Mart.
Then you go home and turn on the oven a little bit.
Put the hot dogs in a pan with juice and milk.
Put the pan in the oven for like...30 minutes.
You get them out with a greasin' thing...it looks like a spatula but I don't know what it's called.
Put them in a plate and I take them in the living room and granny feeds me.
After I get done eating, I go play in my bed room, actually in the toy room."
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ice Update
We have no power at home, we do have running water.
We have power at the station, however, no running water.
J'son is in the hospital again. Please pray for him and Nichole.
Long days and pleasant nights...
Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Ice Cometh

Anywho. It is Sunday morning. We woke up to ice. Millie begged me to let her get online and show the pictures we took of the absolutely horrible stuff. She also needed to catch up on her email that she has been totally ignoring. Nanna - she is still waiting for you to bring Colt to play with her.
Here is just one picture of what the trees look like outside. Need I say that I HATE ice, snow, cold? The puppies are actually sound asleep again on the couch. Millie, of course, under the blankie.
Nothing much going on. Yesterday was the Tulsa Christmas Parade. I decorated the tree that was in the shot between Chuck and Carole. Last Thursday was the Pryor Christmas Parade. Keeping Lincoln focussed is a chore that takes more than one person. He was thrilled that he had his own float.
Other than Christmas preps, not much to report. To see more pictures of our ice storm, go to my web pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/tammiek1966
Long days and pleasant nights to ye...