November 9 is a day that ye should begin celebrating. It is the day that Nicole was born. The year only matters a few times, and this year is one of those times.
She was at the bar at Midnight Thursday to have her first official drink. Then she continued the celebrating Friday with happy hour and on into the wee hours of Saturday morning.
She and Ryan arrived at my house Saturday afternoon in time to drop-off their stuff and meet her grandparents for dinner. They came back to my house for some OU football and beer. Then they were off to meet some friends.
This is where the story begins to get a bit funny. Grab a beer and read along. Nicole and Ryan were a bit irritated with their friend before leaving my place. You see, he kept them from going to the bar for 2 whole hours. Then he decided, without consulting Nicole or Ryan, to bring along his 20 year-old girlfriend. At the same time he decided to do this, he also decided that instead of going to a bar they would go bowling. After a couple of conversations on the phone, and one threat of abandoning the friends, Nicole and Ryan finally left my house around 9:30ish to go bowling. I did remind them that bowling alleys sell beer. That made it a bit easier.
I pulled out the sleeper sofa. Placed clean sheets on it and a quilt. Then I went to bed. This morning when I woke, I thought it was odd that they made it into the house without the dogs alarming me. The reason is - the bed wasn't touched! So, I put on coffee, let the dogs out and began putting the bed back together. In the middle of that Ryan came falling thru the front door announcing that Nicole is freaking crazy. Then Nicole came falling thru the front door. She went straight to the bathroom. Ryan walked in circles around the living room with me trying to get him to go lay down on the bed. He finally went that direction, I finished with the couch and heard a loud THUMP from the direction of the bedroom.
I turned to see what happened. There sat Nicole in the middle of the floor. She had fallen off the bed while trying to get on it. Honestly I should have helped her, but the laughter prevented me. They both finally found the bed and didn't move for a good 3 hours.
I had to get ready for the party so I went to the bathroom via my bedroom. It smelled like day old bathtub gin that had gone bad. I found her car key on the bathroom floor and her Arvest card in the washing machine. (I am her mom and washed the smelly clothes)
Ryan was the first awake and we had lunch while I heard the story of the night before. Seems they didn't make it to the bar until 1 am. Fortunate for Ryan - he found a credit card receipt from the bar - he left the tab open for Nicole - she managed to drink $47 in shots. Tequilla shots. I really don't need to say more, but I will...
Ryan and the bartender carried her to the car. Ryan had to explain to a passerby that he wasn't trying to take advantage of her, she was actually with him before getting her to the car. He was smart enough to know that neither of them could drive and tried desperately to find my phone number. He didn't so they slept in the car in a parking lot. He stayed awake long enough to hold her head while she vomited several times and to make sure she was ok.
He woke up at around 8am because the car was moving. Somehow Nicole had gotten they key and decided to drive to my house. He said as scary as that was - when she went into the ditch at my house was the absolute scariest part.
I'll end with, we all had fun laughing at and with her at the birthday party. She had a wonderful 3 day long birthday that she won't remember. You Go Girl!

And this is what she looked like an hour or so before leaving Tulsa to go back to Norman.
Happy Days and Pleasant Nights to Ye!