Thursday, October 18, 2007
Goodbye City Life?
Farm livin’ is the life for me.
Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.
New York is where I’d rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.
The chores. The stores.
Fresh air. Times Square
You are my wife Good bye, city life.
Green Acres we are there!
Wait a dag-gone minute. I moved to the "country" a couple weeks ago. After last night's Storm of the Century I'm considering moving the 3 blocks it will take to get me back to the City.
I lost my cable connection. At first I thought it was just the storm that had blown out something. Seems that is exactly what happened - it blew my cable line off the pole. Now, I know you think that there was life before cable, let me plead my case. Tonight is an extremely important game. Hopefully it will be the last ALCS game. I must watch this game. The problem is, even if I did get rabbit ears for the TV - the game is only on cable. Baseball existed half a century before TV so I think I'm just in whining over this.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Rocktober is HERE!

Let me do some 'splainin'. After the awesomeness of the MLB in the 1970's, baseball went thru a very bleak period. It was during the 1980's that we saw two major league player strikes. One of them affected the playoffs and World Series. My team was winning the race at the midway point that year. Then after the strike they were eliminated. The strike being the deciding factor. That is also the decade that saw Pete Rose permanently banned from the Hall of Fame for gambling. These were very dark days. We had no single team or player that stood out and caught the love of the fans. It seemed that everything MLB had been was gone. Not to mention the sky-rocketing prices at the pro-ballparks. A family could no longer afford to spend an afternoon or evening enjoying America's sport.
So in the early 1990's the MLB commission decided that to get more fans to attend, they would just add 4 more teams. Technically they only added three. The Washington Senators were reborn in that decision.
So to get to my lack of interest this year. Back in 1993 the first season of the "new" Colorado Rockies. I vehemently denied them access to my television for the years that followed. Then a few years ago, maybe 2 or 3, they bought the Tulsa Drillers. This is a team that I truly enjoy watching. It's baseball at its best. Still, I refused to acknowledge the Rockies. Then, Tuesday, Oct. 16 Chris Lincoln (greatest sportscaster in all of Tulsa) announced that there were eleven Drillers on the Rockies team. WOW! Texas never did that. btw - we can partially thank W. for that.
So I tuned in Tuesday night and watched them whoop up on the Diamond Backs. Who still are not a MLB team in my book. They played solid baseball and what a game. The star of the team is Matt Holliday - born right here in Oklahoma! In fact he is the NL MVP this year! Now hopefully they will kick some Indian butt! At this point I must apologize to Gan's human part - I really don't want the Red Sox to go to the World Series. It's time for the Tribe.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Nicole Visited

Been Away Too Long
I moved. Holy cow was that an interesting time. Kara and I painted for what seemed like a month. Turns out it was only 3 days. Then the move day was pretty smooth. I had no clue how many or who would be there to help out until literally the morning of the move. Kevin had enlisted and was scheduled to leave for boot camp the Thursday before moving day. Thank Gan the Army doctor noticed a weird rash-like something on his torso. That post-poned his departure so, he was able to help. Jimmy's Service Emergency was cancelled, however, he was forced to work 6 day weeks at that time. He was out. Colt became very ill and had to visit the dr. the morning of the move. Fortunately they arrived at the apartment about midway thru the loading. Patty had surgery on her shoulder, Steve has Hep C treatments going... Kenna and Miranda dropped by to help me with the packing... It all worked out very well in the end. Especially since all Daddy had to do was give Kevin orders, drive and eat. =) A couple weeks later and the place is beginning to look like home. Patty has already made and delivered curtains!

I finally turned on my computer at home night before last. Seems I need to call Cox and find out why the Internet connection isn't working.
The MLB playoffs are in full swing and honestly the blog takes back seat to that.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye.